Bachelor Innovation & Management in Tourism

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Informationen über Bachelor Innovation & Management in Tourism - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Salzburg-Stadt - Salzburg

  • Inhalt
    Innovation & Management in Tourism (Bachelor)

    The tourism industry is a fast-paced and ever-changing economic sector. It takes future tourism professionals with expertise and visions to shape and manage this highly dynamic and exciting field. A degree programme at Salzburg University of Applied Sciences equips you with the skills to cater to the specific demands of this rapidly growing industry.Combining theory and practice in an interdisciplinary way, the Innovation & Management in Tourism degree programme provides you with a comprehensive education for the competitive tourism sector.

    Whether you’re aiming at a career in hotel and destination management, leisure businesses, tourism organisations or eTourism: The study programme is a great choice for tackling the unique challenges of the tourism world. Ge a part-time study programme, It to know the economic and social aspects of the tourism trade and learn how to approach projects on a regional, national and international level. Asnnovation & Management in Tourism gives you the chance to apply your newly obtained skills right away. 

    The bachelor programme addresses topics such as:

    - Management skills for tourism companies
    - Business management skills
    - The ability to recognise industry trends early on
    - The ability to innovate
    - Development and implementation of new tourism offers
    - Use of modern technology (eTourism)
    - Social and intercultural skills
    - Foreign languages

    Abschluss: Bachelor of Arts in Business (BA)
    Studienplätze: 35
    Dauer: 6 Semester
    Studienart/Methode: Berufsbegleitend
    Studienort: Campus Urstein
    Unterrichtssprache: Deutsch

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