Kurs 74021 - Microsoft Word 2002 Proficient User - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 74021 - Microsoft Word 2002 Proficient User - Online

  • Ziele
    - Insert page numbers into a document. - Insert a header and a footer into a document. - Insert a date and time into a document. - Insert a clip art image into a document. - Create a drawing object in a document. - Add WordArt to a document. - Create a main document by using the Mail Merge Wizard. - Create a data source by using the Mail Merge Wizard. - Edit a mail merge main document by using the Mail Merge Wizard.
  • Anforderungen
    The audience for this course includes End Users, Technical Managers, Help Desk/Support, Network Designers and Project Managers. Learners should have a working knowledge of Word 2002 and have taken the Microsoft Word 2002 Fundamentals course 74020.
  • Titel
    Kurs 74021 - Microsoft Word 2002 Proficient User
  • Inhalt
    Course Overview

    This course covers more advanced skills of working with documents in Word 2002. Learners will deal with document enhancement, table management, and column management. This course also covers visual enhancements including WordArt, graphics, and diagrams. Lastly, learners will cover mail merge and workgroup collaboration.

    Deployment Options


    Language Options

    Total Learning Time

    6 to 8 hours


    Unit 1: Enhancing Documents 2 - 3 hours

    - Insert page numbers into a document.
    - Insert a header and a footer into a document.
    - Insert a date and time into a document.
    - Modify the date and time format of a document by changing the default country or region.
    - Apply borders and shading to a paragraph.
    - Format a document section by using the Page Setup options.
    - Compare paragraph formats by using the Reveal Formatting task pane.
    - Remove formatting from text.
    - Create a table in a document.
    - Create a table by using Table AutoFormat.
    - Add borders and shading to a table.
    - Merge cells in a table.
    - Modify rows and columns in a table.
    - Modify properties of a table.
    - Sort data in a table.
    - Calculate a formula in a table.
    - Create columns in a document before entering text.
    - Apply a column format to text in a document.
    - Modify columns in a document.
    - Insert hyperlinks into a document.
    - Modify a hyperlink in a document.
    - Add and remove toolbar buttons.
    - Customize a menu by creating commands.

    Unit 2: Visual Enhancements 2 - 3 hours

    - Insert a clip art image into a document.
    - Create a drawing object in a document.
    - Add WordArt to a document.
    - Insert a graphic into a document.
    - Identify the procedures for relocating graphics within a document.
    - Modify a graphic in a document.
    - Combine text with a graphic by using a wrapping style.
    - Create a chart in a document.
    - Modify a chart in a document.
    - Create a chart in a document by using external data.
    - Revise a chart by using external data.
    - Create a diagram in a document.

    Unit 3: Mail Merge and Collaboration 2 hours

    - Create a main document by using the Mail Merge Wizard.
    - Create a data source by using the Mail Merge Wizard.
    - Edit a mail merge main document by using the Mail Merge Wizard.
    - Complete a mail merge by using the Mail Merge Wizard.
    - Complete a mail merge by using Office data sources.
    - Complete a mail merge by using Outlook information as the data source.
    - Create labels by using the Mail Merge Wizard.
    - Compare and merge two documents.
    - Insert a comment into a document.
    - Edit comments in a document.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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