Kurs 75091 - Microsoft FrontPage 2003 Proficient User - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 75091 - Microsoft FrontPage 2003 Proficient User - Online

  • Ziele
    Learn To - Match elements of the FrontPage 2003 environment with their functions. - Identify the Web editing views. - Identify functions of the basic toolbar buttons. - Identify methods for formatting text. - Identify the different text alignments. - Match the options in the Spelling dialog box with their functions. - Create a hypertext link to a Web page. - Create a bookmark on a Web page. - Create an image hyperlink. - Insert a layer in a Web page. - Identify the properties of layers. - Insert a behavior in a Web page. - Create a table in a Web page. - Identify different options for customizing table properties.
  • Anforderungen
    New users that desire to obtain a solid foundation in the use of FrontPage 2003 to create and modify Web pages and execute basic Web site design. There are no prerequisites required for this course.
  • Titel
    Kurs 75091 - Microsoft FrontPage 2003 Proficient User
  • Inhalt
    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Microsoft FrontPage 2003 - 0.5 hours

    - Match elements of the FrontPage 2003 environment with their functions.
    - Identify the Web editing views.
    - Identify functions of the basic toolbar buttons.

    Unit 2: Creating a Web Page in FrontPage 2003 - 0.5 hours

    - Identify methods for formatting text.
    - Identify the different text alignments.
    - Match the options in the Spelling dialog box with their functions.
    - Create a bulleted list and a numbered list.
    - Identify the options for formatting a bulleted and numbered list.
    - Apply a theme to a Web page.
    - Insert an image into a Web page.
    - Format an image in a Web page.

    Unit 3: Hyperlinks - 0.5 hours
    - Create a hypertext link to a Web page.
    - Create a bookmark on a Web page.
    - Create an image hyperlink.
    - Create a hyperlink for an interactive button on a Web page.

    Unit 4: Layers and Behaviors, and DHTML Effects - 0.5 hours

    - Insert a layer in a Web page.
    - Identify the properties of layers.
    - Insert a behavior in a Web page.
    - Identify the functions of the DHTML Effects toolbar components.

    Unit 5: Tables - 1 hour

    - Create a table in a Web page.
    - Identify different options for customizing table properties.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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