Kurs Telephone English Abendkurs

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Informationen über Kurs Telephone English Abendkurs - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Innere Stadt - Wien

  • Ziele
    This Course will take you through basic Telephone skills such as answering the phone, transferring calls, customer service, dealing with problems, taking and leaving messages, asking for clarification, etc. In addition to course material we will also do some telephone role plays to practice what we learn. The main focus of the course will be for office staff, customer service representatives, administrative assistants and secretaries. Students should be comfortable with basic grammar, verb tenses and sentence formation. Although 'Grammar' will not be the main focus of the course it will be taught along with relevant vocabulary.
  • Anforderungen
    mindestens Niveau B1
  • Titel
    abc-internes Zertifikat
  • Inhalt

    This Course will take you through basic Telephone skills such as answering the phone, transferring calls, customer service, dealing with problems, taking and leaving messages, asking for clarification, etc. In addition to course material we will also do some telephone role plays to practice what we learn. The main focus of the course will be for office staff, customer service representatives, administrative assistants and secretaries. Students should be comfortable with basic grammar, verb tenses and sentence formation. Although 'Grammar' will not be the main focus of the course it will be taught along with relevant vocabulary.


    14 Unterrichtseinheiten (à 50 Min)


    Bei geringerer Zahl kann der Kurs nur gegen einen entsprechenden Aufpreis stattfinden.

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