BA (Hons) in Fashion Promotion and Communication with Foundation Year

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Informationen über BA (Hons) in Fashion Promotion and Communication with Foundation Year - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - London - England

  • Inhalt
    BA (Hons) in Fashion Promotion and Communication with Foundation Year.

    Course Type: Undergraduate

    Career Path: Fashion

    Course Category: BA


    In a fast-changing fashion market, which is being reshaped by new business models, emerging technologies and shifting consumer values, career paths in fashion promotion and communication have become an important facet. As the rise of the internet has transformed media, the industry has opened a plethora of opportunities beyond the fashion designer’s role, in areas such as visual merchandising, trend forecasting, styling and art direction, branding and fashion media.

    Course Requirements

    Applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements for the 3-year undergraduate programme, or those who do not feel fully prepared for a Level 4 course, will be considered for the 4-year programme including a Foundation Year. 

    Course Duration: 4 years.

    Online: No

    Campus Based: Yes

    Location: London

    Intake: Oct and Feb

    Our People:

    Our students learn from the best – inspirational academic staff with a genuine passion for their subject and priceless industry experience behind them. Our courses are at the forefront of current knowledge and practice and are shaped by industry demands and graduate employability.

    Our professional staff ensure the smooth delivery of the Colleges activities. Their work contributes to an outstanding student experience, and underpins successful partnerships and collaborative working with external organisations.

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