Bachelor European Economy and Business Management

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Informationen über Bachelor European Economy and Business Management - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Leopoldstadt - Wien

  • Praktikum
  • Anforderungen
    University entrance qualification (Austrian secondary school leaving certificate (Matura), vocational matriculation qualification, general university entrance examination for social and economics sciences or subject-relevant apprenticeship or graduation from a school for intermediate vocational education (BMS) with additional examinations in English and mathematics)
  • Inhalt
    The bachelor programme European Economy and Business Management stands for a generalist business education that provides you with practice-oriented knowledge in the various areas of international business management. You will gain an overview of internal company processes on a programme which takes an international perspective and covers everything from accounting and legal frameworks to advanced topics such as setting up a company, choosing a business location, and export management.With the unique combination of business knowledge and languages, the degree programme optimally prepares you for an international management career.Graduates of this degree programme can

    analyse and implement international business opportunities.

    grasp the interdisciplinary environment of international developments and implement measures to promote the sustainable development of a company.

    develop new or modified business models and assist in their implementation.

    communicate business decisions to national and international stakeholders.

    build international relationships and networks.

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