Full-Time Master in Tax Consultancy and Management

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Informationen über Full-Time Master in Tax Consultancy and Management - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Spanien - Ausland

  • Ziele
    The Full-Time Master in Tax Consultancy and Management program offers highly-comprehensive training in Tax Law as well as non tax-related knowledge necessary to understand the economic and legal world. In the program, you will also study Legal English and develop your personal and professional skills.
  • Titel
    Full-Time Master in Tax Consultancy and Management
  • Inhalt
    Course Description:

    1st semester
    October - December
    Instrumental Subjects
    . General Tax Law
    . Accounting
    . Corporate Law and Practice
    . Advanced Accounting

    Operational Subjects
    . Direct Taxation
    . Indirect Taxation

    Planning Subjects
    Personal and Professional Development Subjects
    . Legal English

    2nd semester
    January - March
    Instrumental Subjects
    . Accounting
    . Advanced Accounting

    Operational Subjects
    . Direct Taxation
    . Indirect Taxation
    . Local and Regional Taxation
    . EU Law and Taxation

    Planning Subjects
    Personal and Professional Development Subjects
    . Legal English
    . Legal Oratory

    3rd semester
    April - June
    Instrumental Subjects
    . Corporate Accounting
    . Financial Statement Analysis
    . Company Appraisal

    Operational Subjects
    . Direct Taxation
    . Indirect Taxation
    . Local and Regional Taxation

    Planning Subjects
    . Tax Planning
    . International Taxation
    . Practical Groupwork in Tax Integration

    Personal and Professional Development Subjects
    . Legal English
    . Professional Careers Management and Skills Development
    . Legal Oratory

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