Kurs 74051 - Microsoft Access 2002 Proficient User

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Informationen über Kurs 74051 - Microsoft Access 2002 Proficient User - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Innere Stadt - Wien

  • Ziele
    - Create a single-table query in Design view. - Create a multiple-table query in Design view. - Create a simple query by using the Simple Query Wizard. - Identify features of the Form Wizard. - Identify features of the AutoForm Wizard. - Add a record to a form. - Identify features of the Report Wizard. - Print a report from Print Preview. - Add a control label to a report. - Identify options of the Import Spreadsheet Wizard that are used to import an Excel worksheet to a data access page. - Link an existing Microsoft Access table to a database. - Publish a table to Microsoft Excel.
  • Anforderungen
    The intended audience for this course are Project or Office Managers, Secretarial, Web Designer-Developers, System Administrators, and Database Administrators. Typically learners will work in an office environment (possibly networked) producing documents/spreadsheets and/or databases/Web pages. Learners will need a basic knowledge of either Microsoft Office 97 or 2000 programs and be familiar with Windows 9X or later operating system(s).
  • Titel
    Kurs 74051 - Microsoft Access 2002 Proficient User
  • Inhalt
    Course Overview

    This courses covers more advanced features of Access 2002. Individuals will learn how to make different types of data queries, work with forms and link data to other databases.

    Deployment Options


    Total Learning Time

    6 to 8 hours


    Unit 1: Querying Data 1 - 2 hours

    - Create a single-table query in Design view.
    - Create a multiple-table query in Design view.
    - Create a simple query by using the Simple Query Wizard.
    - Match query wizards with their functions.
    - Identify the effects of opening queries.
    - Sort a query by output.
    - Apply a criterion to a query.
    - Apply an aggregate tool to a query.
    - Add a table to a query.
    - Add a calculated field to a query.
    - Match the field properties with their features.

    Unit 2: Forms Introduction 1 - 2 hours

    - Identify features of the Form Wizard.
    - Identify features of the AutoForm Wizard.
    - Add a record to a form.
    - Insert a picture into a field.
    - Add an unbound control image to a form.
    - Identify features of controls in a form.
    - Add a calculated text box to a form.
    - Format controls by using the Formatting toolbar.
    - Match form control properties with their functions.
    - Add a section to a form by using the menu bar.
    - Identify functions of the Form Properties sheet.

    Unit 3: Reports and Data Access Pages 2 hours

    - Identify features of the Report Wizard.
    - Print a report from Print Preview.
    - Add a control label to a report.
    - Modify a control layout in a report.
    - Add a calculated text box to a report.
    - Format the data display for a control in a report.
    - Modify the control properties in a report.
    - Add a section to a report.
    - Modify the report properties in a report.
    - Identify features of the Page Wizard that are used to create data access pages.
    - Sort a record on a data access page in Page view.
    - Group records on a data access page in Page view.

    Unit 4: Database Integration 2 hours

    - Identify options of the Import Spreadsheet Wizard that are used to import an Excel worksheet to a data access page.
    - Link an existing Microsoft Access table to a database.
    - Publish a table to Microsoft Excel.
    - Publish a report to Microsoft Word.
    - Export a database object to Hypertext Markup Language (HTML).
    - Import an Extensible Markup Language (XML) document.
    - Export a database object as an XML document.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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