Kurs 15862 - Adobe InDesign CS2: Beyond the Basics - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 15862 - Adobe InDesign CS2: Beyond the Basics - Online

  • Ziele
    - Create a multipage document by adding pages. - Sequence the steps to move pages within a multipage document. - Sequence the steps to create and apply a master page. - Sequence the steps to create a book and add a document to it. - Sequence the steps to create a TOC. - Sequence the steps to create an index. - Sequence the steps to preflight and package a document. - Identify features of the panes in the Print dialog box. - Sequence the steps to export a document to PDF using predefined presets.
  • Anforderungen
    This course is intended for graphic designers, creative professionals, and print professionals who wish to use InDesign CS2 to design professional-looking documents and print layouts.
  • Titel
    Kurs 15862 - Adobe InDesign CS2: Beyond the Basics
  • Inhalt
    Course Description

    This course teaches concepts related to creating multipage documents and using master pages. In this course, you will learn how to add pages to a document, organize pages in a document, and create and apply master pages. You will also learn how to combine documents into a book and to create Table of Contents (TOCs) and indexes. In addition, you will learn how to preflight and package a document, about the print options available in InDesign, and how to export a document to the PDF format.

    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Multipage Documents 0.25 hours

    - Create a multipage document by adding pages.
    - Sequence the steps to move pages within a multipage document.
    - Sequence the steps to create and apply a master page.
    - Sequence the steps to insert page numbers into master pages.

    Unit 2: Finalizing Documents 0.25 hours

    - Sequence the steps to create a book and add a document to it.
    - Sequence the steps to create a TOC.
    - Sequence the steps to create an index.

    Unit 3: Outputting Documents 0.5 hours

    - Sequence the steps to preflight and package a document.
    - Identify features of the panes in the Print dialog box.
    - Sequence the steps to export a document to PDF using predefined presets.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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