Kurs 73248 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Distributed Applications Pt 3: Data Access - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 73248 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Distributed Applications Pt 3: Data Access - Online

  • Ziele
    - To identify features of ADO.NET. - To identify benefits of ADO.NET. - To sequence the steps to read data from a database in a connected environment. - To identify features of DataSets. - To identify the syntax for creating a DataSet programmatically. - To identify the syntax for saving a DataSet. - To identify features of XML Schema Definition (XSD). - To generate an XML Schema Definition (XSD). - To identify methods of loading schemas into DataSets.
  • Anforderungen
    This course is aimed at database administrators, application developers, systems analysts, and software engineers. Typically, students will may be working in a medium to large development environment that uses Microsoft Visual Studio .NET, Enterprise Developer Edition. Candidates should have at least one year of experience developing middle-tier components. Candidates should also have a working knowledge of Microsoft Visual Basic.NET.
  • Titel
    Kurs 73248 - Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Distributed Applications Pt 3: Data Access
  • Inhalt
    Course Description

    The Microsoft Visual Basic .NET-Distributed Applications Pt 3: Data Access course teaches learners how to consume and manipulate data by using ADO.NET.

    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: SQL Server Data Access Using ADO.NET 2 hours

    - Identify features of ADO.NET.
    - Identify benefits of ADO.NET.
    - Sequence the steps to read data from a database in a connected environment.
    - Identify features of data provider classes that are used in a disconnected environment.
    - Identify methods of using XML in ADO.NET.
    - Identify features of SqlClient namespace classes.
    - Identify the syntax for using a SQL Server connection object.
    - Identify features of SqlCommand objects.
    - Identify the syntax for retrieving data using a SqlDataReader object.
    - Sequence the steps for calling a simple stored procedure.
    - Sequence the steps for calling a complex stored procedure.

    Unit 2: DataSet Creation and Manipulation 2 - 3 hours

    - Identify features of DataSets.
    - Identify the syntax for creating a DataSet programmatically.
    - Identify the syntax for saving a DataSet.
    - Identify the steps to populate a DataSet by using the DataAdapter object.
    - Identify ways of updating data in DataSets.
    - Sequence the steps for creating a typed DataSet.
    - Sequence the steps for replicating the changes made to a DataSet to a data source.
    - Identify the syntax for accepting changes into a DataSet.
    - Identify options in the Data Adapter
    - Configuration Wizard for detecting conflicts.
    - Identify strategies for resolving conflicts.
    - Identify the syntax for creating a primary key constraint.
    - Identify the syntax for creating a foreign key constraint.
    - Identify features of unique constraints.
    - Identify the syntax for creating a custom expression.
    - Sequence the steps for creating a DataRelation object.
    - Identify the syntax for navigating related DataTables.
    - Identify RowState property values used to track DataRowState changes.
    - Identify the functions of data modification commands.
    - Identify the steps for setting a data modification command using the Data Adapter Configuration Wizard.
    - Identify the syntax for using the GetChanges method.

    Unit 3: Accessing XML Data 2 - 3 hours

    - Identify features of XML Schema Definition (XSD).
    - Generate an XML Schema Definition (XSD).
    - Identify methods of loading schemas into DataSets.
    - Create an XML file based on a schema using the Visual Studio XML Editor.
    - Add data to an XML document.
    - Match XmlReadMode values for loading XML data into DataSets with their descriptions.
    - Match the .NET XML classes used for accessing an XML file using the Document Object Model (DOM) with their descriptions.
    - Identify the syntax for querying XML data using XPath.
    -  Match the XmlValidatingReader ValidationType property types with their descriptions.
    - Identify the syntax for writing an XML schema to a file.
    - Identify the code used to write data from a DataSet to an XML file.
    - Identify the syntax for writing DataSet changes using DiffGram.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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