M.B.A. Business Administration

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Informationen über M.B.A. Business Administration - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Irvine - Kalifornien - Vereinigte Staaten

  • Inhalt
    M.B.A. Business Administration.
    Course Type: Postgraduate
    Career Path: Management
    Course Category: MBA
    A recent survey of employers by the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) noted MBA graduates are in demand, particularly with emphasis in areas of technology and international business, with anticipated salary increases.
    Webster University's master of business administration program is designed for people like you on a fast track to success. It's the perfect answer for professionals who want to shape their own destiny, upgrade their credentials, and be strategic players in the world of business.
    MBA courses integrate information and theories from various disciplines including accounting, economics, finance, marketing, production operations and strategic management, and provide you with the tools and techniques you'll need to problem solve in a wide variety of business situations.
    Choose a standard Webster MBA or specialize with an emphasis in Business and Organizational Security Management, Decision Support Systems, Environmental Management, Finance, Gerontology, Human Resources Development, Human Resources Management, Information Technology Management, International Business, International Relations, Management and Leadership, Marketing, Media Communications, Procurement and Acquisitions Management or Web Services. 
    Points of Distinction
    Small classes, personal attention, international perspective, and real-world approach to learning that Webster University is noted for worldwide.
    Webster University has one of the highest graduate business enrollments in the U.S.
    International studies programs are recognized for excellence by U.S. News & World Report.
    The MBA is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP).
    Course Requirements:
    •Signed Application Form
    •Proof of English Proficiency:
    – TOEFL: PBT 550 | iBT 80
    – IELTS: 6.5
    – Pearson: 53
    •Undergraduate Transcripts
    •Essay: 300-500 word essay on a topic of your choice OR Curriculum Vitae (CV)
    •One Letter of Recommendation
    •Certificate of Finance showing $Tuition plus *
    •Copy of Passport ID Page
    •Official University/College Transcripts (for Transfer Students)
    •Some programs have additional entry requirements. Please contact your advisor for more information.
    Course Duration:
    1-Year or 18 months - 2 years (36 Credit Hours)

    Increasing and Diversifying Faculty International Opportunities

    Faculty have multiple opportunities through mobility, Messing Award and Faculty Research Grant programs.Several programs continue to diversify ways Webster faculty from throughout the network can teach in international settings and reach new students.

    Thus far in 2016, the faculty mobility program has enabled faculty to teach at several international locations, including multiple sites in China and Thailand, plus Geneva, Florence, Leiden and St. Louis. Of note, nine faculty members – from Leiden, Geneva and six U.S. states – traveled to Ghana to teach in business or international relations at the campus in Accra. In St. Louis this fall are three visiting faculty members from Vienna, Geneva and Havana.

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