Kurs 16462 - Introduction to e-Commerce - Online

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Informationen über Kurs 16462 - Introduction to e-Commerce - Online

  • Ziele
    - Introduction to E-commerce. - E-Commerce Standards. - E-commerce in Enterprise. - E-commerce Technology Building Blocks.
  • Anforderungen
    This course is intended for Managers and technical staff with little experience of e-commerce. There are no prerequisites required for this course.
  • Titel
    Kurs 16462 - Introduction to e-Commerce
  • Inhalt
    Course Description

    This course provides the learner with an overview of the state of e-commerce today. It defines electronic commerce and discusses electronic commerce elements. An overview of business-to-consumer and business-to-business electronic commerce is given. This course also addresses issues and technologies available for companies wishing to engage in e-commerce.

    Deployment Options



    Unit 1: Introduction to E-Commerce 1 hour

    - Identify the advantages of e-commerce to business and consumers.
    - Identify the benefits of online training, seminars, and conferences.
    - Identify the functions of intranets and extranets in e-commerce.
    - Identify the internal benefits of e-commerce to a business enterprise.
    - Identify e-commerce customer service issues.
    - Identify the benefits of business-to-business e-commerce.
    - Identify the benefits of business-to-consumer e-commerce.
    - Identify e-commerce communication technologies.
    - Identify types of digital products.

    Unit 2: E-Commerce Standards 1 hour

    - Identify the role of standards within industry.
    - Identify the characteristics of the EDI and XML data mapping methods.
    - Identify information transfer formats.
    - Identify the role of ODBC in data management.
    - Identify the features of a script.
    - Identify the characteristics of the programming choices available for the development of e-commerce applications.
    - Identify common server platforms and operating environments.
    - Identify the features of the SSL protocol, S/MIME, and digital certificates.
    - Identify methods of securing online transactions with cryptography.
    - Identify standards to facilitate e-commerce.

    Unit 3: E-Commerce in Enterprise 2 hours

    - Identify online marketing and promotion methods.
    - Identify methods of managing online customer interactions.
    - Identify the stages in a typical online transaction.
    - Identify the role of e-commerce content development.
    - Identify usability and compatibility considerations for Web site design.
    - Identify e-commerce technical support needs.
    - Identify the tools required to integrate multimedia technologies with e-commerce applications.
    - Identify e-commerce technical support requirements for programming and database integration.
    - Identify issues to consider when integrating e-commerce with traditional business methods.
    - Identify issues to consider when maintaining an e-commerce Web site.
    - Identify ways of assessing and preparing for e-commerce security risks.
    - Identify areas for expanding the use of e-commerce.

    Unit 4: E-Commerce Technology Building Blocks 2 hours

    - Identify the features of the virtual store.
    - Identify the characteristics of the UNIX and Wintel operating system platforms.
    - Identify e-commerce advertising and sales strategies.
    - Identify online customer feedback functions.
    - Identify options and schemes for e-commerce payment handling.
    - Identify the features of the virtual organization.
    - Identify the components of a Web infrastructure.
    - Identify the benefits of using extranets in a B2B e-commerce environment.
    -Identify key issues affecting supply chain management in e-commerce.
    - Identify system architecture options for the e-commerce interface.
    - Identify ways in which e-commerce can use Web infrastructure to advantage.
    - Identify storefront application features.
    - Identify the benefits of outsourcing Web site hosting.
    - Identify the features of e-mail and webmail.
    - Identify mailing list and Internet chat features.
    - Identify ways of maximizing online enterprise visibility.

    Course Access

    Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.

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