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Informationen über Kurs 16464 - e-Commerce Security - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Innere Stadt - Wien
- Identify the features of a Security Firewall. - Identify the features of Information Encryption. - Identify the features of Authentication and Authorization. - Identify the features of E-Commerce Payment Security.
This course is intended for Managers and technical staff who are in a position to provide e-commerce security recommendations to executives.
Kurs 16464 - e-Commerce Security
Course Description
This course is intended for students who wish to consider the impact of security issues on e-commerce implementation.
Deployment Options
Unit 1: Security Firewalls 1 hour
- Identify the role of a security policy in e-commerce.
- Identify approaches to security risk assessment in e-commerce.
- Identify the features of network security relating to access administration.
- Identify physical security options.
- Identify the risks involved in downloading code via a Web browser.
- Identify the features of a firewall.
- Identify the levels of firewall implementation.
- Identify the features and functions of packet-filter firewalls.
- Identify the features and functions of proxy firewalls.
- Identify the role of personal firewalls in e-commerce.
- Identify the features of dynamic firewalls.
Unit 2: Information Encryption 2 hours
- Identify the forms of attack that data encryption protects against.
- Identify basic data encryption concepts.
- Identify modern data encryption concepts.
- Identify the characteristics of public and secret key encryption systems.
- Identify the role of global legislation in monitoring encryption techniques.
- Identify the features of Data Encryption Standard (DES).
- Identify the features of the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) encryption method.
- Identify the features of the RSA encryption method.
- Identify public key cryptography standards (PKCS).
- Identify some applications of encryption.
- Identify the features of the Kerberos model.
- Identify the components of a public key infrastructure (PKI).
- Identify the features of Secure Lockets Layer (SSL).
- Identify the features of the IPSec protocol.
- Identify the technologies that allow for secure electronic mail.
- Identify the role of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) in e-commerce.
Unit 3: Authentication and Authorization 2 hours
- Identify authentication methods for individuals.
- Identify the role of passwords in authentication processes.
- Identify types of tokens used in authentication processes.
- Identify the features of biometric systems.
- Identify the functions of single sign-on techniques.
- Identify types of digital certificates.
- Identify the steps involved in obtaining a personal certificate.
- Identify the steps involved in obtaining a server certificate.
Unit 4: E-Commerce Payments Security 2 hours
- Identify the features of electronic cash.
- Identify the features of smart cards.
- Identify the role of credit and debit cards in e-commerce.
- Identify the features of SET.
- Identify the features of the iKP protocols.
Course Access
Each student has access to the course for a period of 6 months from the day of enrollment in the course.
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