Bachelor in International Relations

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Informationen über Bachelor in International Relations - Mit Anwesenheitspflicht - Innere Stadt - Wien

  • Titel
    Bachelor of Arts (BA)
  • Inhalt
    Bachelor of Arts (BA)


    Degree Requirements

    36 Required credit hours in the Major (12 courses)
    27 General Education credit hours (9 courses)
    65 Elective credit hours (22 courses)

    Required Courses

    POLT 1050 Introduction to International Politics
    INTL 2700 Methods of Political Inquiry
    (or POLT 2600)

    One of the following:

    POLT 1080 Introduction to Comparative Politics
    POLT 2250 Politics of the Industrialized World
    POLT 2550 The Politics of Development
    INTL 3100 International Political Economy

    One of the following:

    HIST 2220 Modern Europe
    HIST 2250 History of Russia: Since 1917
    HIST 2280 History of England: Twentieth Century
    HIST 2400 Modern Asia
    HIST 2450 Third World

    One of the following:

    HIST 3100 Diplomatic History
    HIST 3150 International Affairs
    POLT 3310 Conduct of Foreign Policy
    POLT 3400 Comparative Politics or alternative INTL courses
    (INTL 3200, 3320, 3240, 3300)

    Two of the following:

    INTL 1500 The World System Since 1500
    INTL 2030 International Law
    INTL 3700 International Organizations: Structure and Political Conflict
    INTL 4280 International Economics

    One of the following:

    INTL 4600 International Relations Seminar    
    (or POLT 4600 or HIST 4600)

    INTL 4600 International Relations Seminar     
    INTL 4700Senior Thesis     

    Plus four additional International Relations courses, at least three of which must be upper-level courses coded 3000 or above. Plus competency in a major international language other than English.

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